CTU code: e-learning to support practical training

Valletta Declaration on Improving Road Safety
9 January 2017
EUMOS calls for transparent and practical methods for testing load-securing measures and load-unit stability
1 May 2017
Valletta Declaration on Improving Road Safety
9 January 2017
EUMOS calls for transparent and practical methods for testing load-securing measures and load-unit stability
1 May 2017

CTU code: e-learning to support practical training

As a specialist for online training, the company MdA has now launched the e-learning “CTU code” in the field of load securing. The contents were created by EUROSAFE with special consideration on practical aspects. Design and didactics are professional and supplemented with some useful tools like a calculator for the number of belts needed for proper load securing. You can find more information in the attached flyer. The training is available in German and English, other languages ​​are planned.
Detailed information and demo version at http://ctu.arcademy.ch
Download Flyer

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