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Invoicing Address Your Company Name. If different to above.
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Are you a member of EUMOS? Yes, we are a Proud EUMOS MemberYes, we are a Proud EUMOS Registered SupporterNo, we are not a EUMOS MemberNo, but we are considering applying for EUMOS MembershipNo, we have a discount code for the Conference
Considering to become a EUMOS Member?. Take a look at our Statutes and apply here to become a member before 31 August 2024. At approval of your membership by EUMOS, we will credit the difference you paid in conference fee with regards to the fee charged to members when invoicing you for your first annual EUMOS membership fee.
Type of Registration (required) Register Delegates to attend the eventRegister Delegates as Logistics Safety Fans with the possibility to giving visibility to your logo at the conference (Conference fee +350 €)Considering becoming an active Sponsor of the 8th International EUMOS Conference and requesting information about the Sponsorship Packages
Name and E-Mailadress of the delegate 1 to Attend Conference (required)
Name and E-Mailadress of the delegate 2 to Attend Conference
Name and E-Mailadress of the delegate 3 to Attend Conference
Name and E-Mailadress of the delegate 4 to Attend Conference
The protection of your personal data and integrity is important to us. The EUROPEAN SAFE LOGISTICS ASSOCIATION – EUMOS – would therefore like to make you aware of our data protection policy. Please note that there will be photos and videos taken at the event which will be used on the Eumos website and in social media communication. We can equally not rule out publishing of any photos or videos by our cooperation partners in connection with the communication about the event on our website, in social media or other media. By registering to the event you agree to these terms and conditions. Any other consideration must be communicated to the Eumos Secretariat separately.
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