4. internationales EUMOS-Symposium in Wien
25 August 2015
New Eumos standards
1 September 20154th International EUMOS Symposium
on cargo securing, transport packaging and safe logistics
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
EUMOS is the international safe logistics association with head offices in Brussels and representations in most European countries. The annual International EUMOS symposium on cargo securing, transport packaging and safe logistics is known as the major event on this subject in Europe. The 2015 edition is a cooperation between EUMOS and Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) with scientific support from KU Leuven.
Invitation – English
Invitation – German
Invitation – Russian
2015 is the first year under the new European Commission and the new European Parliament. The decrease in road casualties lost it’s dynamic and additional efforts to reach the long term targets are required. All parties dealing with road transport have to be involved in further increase of safety.
During the 2015 edition of the EUMOS symposium, European decision makers and technical experts present the novelties and innovations related to legislation, standards, inspection and the state of the art technology. The congress focusses on packaging managers and designers as well as on safety supervisors, cargo securing trainers, lawyers, … This 4th edition is extremely interesting for the senior management of all companies that ship their products over the European roads. The responsibilities of all parties involved are discussed in detail by several speakers. The winners of the EUMOS safety awards will be honoured during the symposium dinner.
The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber is the legal representative of all Austrian businesses drawn from the areas of crafts and trades, industry, commerce, banking and insurance, transportation and communications, tourism and services industries. Altogether, the organisation comprises about 450.000 member businesses. The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber represents the common interests of Austrian businesses vis-à-vis all policy makers at national, European and international level in all issues concerning the economic sector to promote the economy and to communicate knowledge considering it’s socio-political responsibility.
- Get an up to date view on the latest developments in cargo securing and transport packaging
- Presentations on road side inspections by responsible police officers
- Different sessions focusing on management information or technical information
- Networking opportunities with delegates from around Europe
- Translation English – German provided