EUMOS – the European Safe Logistics Association – invites interested stakeholders to become members of the association in order to work together within the mission to increase transport logistic safety and to substantially reduce fatalities related to logistics. All our members have a strong interest in transport safety. Together, members – individuals, companies, institutes, public administrations and others – promote the objectives of EUMOS and aim at creating the highest safety for logistics in transport in Europe. EUMOS members are fully committed to make their contribution to the EU agenda aiming at the highest safety for Europe´s roads. The particular point of view of each individual EUMOS member is unique in order to all together support our mission from a 360 degrees vision. EUMOS members will at all occasions comply with the European and global anti-trust legislation.
Did you know that…
- 55 persons on average die on the road per day in the EU although the EU is the safest place in road safety in the world?
- 1 out of 4 road accidents with fatalities in the EU involve commercial vehicles?
- 1 person on average suffers injuries or dies every single hour in the EU due to cargo securing failures as a root cause?
Therefore EUMOS is fully committed to making its contribution towards achieving the EU objective of 0 traffic fatalities by 2050 and reduce drastically accidents along the logistics chain by creating awareness and implementing good practices!
Benefits of becoming a EUMOS Member
- Participation in the process of creating new standards and legislation in Europe
- Active involvement in the creation of new standards related to Safe Transport
- Access to a network of experts, professionals and industry in Europe
- Reduction in participation fees for EUMOS events such as the regular EUMOS International Congresses
- Possibility for publicity on EUMOS publications and events
- Use of the EUMOS label as a proof of full commitment to Safe Logistics
- Posting of your logistics´ safety project in the members´ news section of the EUMOS Portal
- Access to the private area of the EUMOS Website
- Access to download section in the private area of the Eumos website (logos, association briefings, description of standards, scientific background, other)
- Since February 2021. Access to all Published EUMOS Standards