Dr. Stefan Ebner – Responsibilities Of The Industry And The Carrier In Cargo Securing DE
14 February 2019
Grégory Nappée – Real-Life Examples – Consequences Of Incorrect Packaging And Cargo Securing DE
25 February 2019Hier finden Sie die deutsche Version dieses Artikels
Real-life examples from France
France also had a speaker at the Eumos Symposium 2017. This time, it was Grégory Nappée, who spoke as a cargo expert for CRTL in France. His presentation “Real-life examples – consequences of incorrect packaging and cargo securing” used various case examples to show how not to approach cargo securing.
What does CRTL do?
CRTL is above all responsible for the assessment of damages. Pallets slipped out of place and broken goods are part of the daily routine. Mr Nappée smiles while the permitted 8cm loading gap is discussed, having mostly seen gaps that measure around 25cm. “In 80% of cases, the source of error is considerable”, he adds. One example about buckets of paint underlines a steadily deteriorating problem: defective packaging and lids that lift each other off. All these are practical everyday problems which Mr Nappée accentuates with various examples and photos.
Tremendous losses due to insufficient packaging
The invstigation for causes is however not a case of shifting blame – it is much more about examining the perspective of the insurers on the basis of responsibility. If the packaging does not hold, the carrier is for example free of liability. The consequences of mistakes are dramatic, which is confirmed by the photos – goods are lost or destroyed, and the total loss is sometimes tremendous.
Reducing claims through effective cargo securing
Of course, it is a matter of money. But investing in high-quality packaging and securing systems is also worth it, as the reduction in claims due to packaging analysis and adjustment to the respective product is significant. And this way, a company saves more money than by careless securing.
Further training also necessary in France
Naturally, the lacking education about relevant know-how is a point which is not yet taken seriously enough in French industry. Hardly any drivers are really aware of the different lashing methods and possibilities of cargo securing. Mr Nappée argues that the cost of education and further training of employees will eventually go on to save money. After all, the indirect costs due to financial damages are higher.
The full lecture is as always
As slideshow to read:
Grégory Nappee – Practical examples – consequences of incorrect packaging and load securing
As a podcast for the car:
As a video for the road or at home:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKbQWgBHL6A[/embedyt]