8th Eumos International Conference – Meet our Gold Sponsor Forankra J2 Servid
17 October 2024
EUMOS Awards go to Wolfgang Neumann, Brendan Condon, Julia Botos and Martin Orthen
28 October 2024Logistics Safety experts are meeting in Trieste today to discuss how to take a step forward in logistics safety, sustainability and competitiveness when turning cargo science into practice. The 8th International Eumos Conference will take place from 24-25 October and will unite senior professionals in logistics safety for an exchange of view on logistics and transport and to have a debate on how to improve safety further.
Angel Hernandez – President of the European Safe Logistics Association Eumos – opens the meeting by welcoming the participants and pointing out the need of considering sustainable use of material while not leaving behind the question of transport safety. Society is becoming increasingly aware of the urge to protect resources and Eumos is committed to contribute to this mission providing science to ensure a level playing field maximising sustainability in logistics safety and transport packaging while pursuing the safety objective as the highest value. Olaf Rebulla – founding member of Eumos based in Trieste – adds some words pointing out that 90% of traded goods are shipped by sea according to the IMO and therefore Eumos has decided to draw the focus a bit to the intermodal transport for this year´s Eumos conference.
The conference will cover a panorama of topics ranging from science, multiplication of expert knowledge, legislative development, responsibility, practical and detailed insights into logistics safety, enforcement of rules and finally get a first view of intermodal logistics at the occasion of a visit to the Trieste Marine Terminal. The conference themes all build on Eumos projects which have been achieved in the past and initiatives identified to be take further in the future. The attendants of this event should at the end of the conference be able to find a common vision forward.
As a highlight of the conference, distinguished professionals will be awarded with the EUMOS Award in recognition of their outstanding commitment to logistics safety. Watch out for the award winners.