Setting the Standard: EUMOS Certification Exam for Cargo Securing and Transport Packaging Experts
26 June 2023
New online exam dates for EUMOS 40607 qualifying experts in Cargo Securing and Transport Packaging
15 March 2024Hybrid customer showroom for safe and sustainable loadsecurity services
Manupackaging Deutschland GmbH recently celebrated the Live Opening of the M-Forum at the Schkopau-Leipzig location in Value Park with customers, partners and suppliers.
The innovative hybrid customer showroom for safe and sustainable load security provides several services and combines three important components of modern film packaging technology: the choice of the appropriate material composition, securing the load and sustainability through recycled films.

At the inauguration of the M-Forum, customers, partners and suppliers of Manupackaging as well as employees from various national locations came together for intensive professional exchange .
“We were able to welcome Angel Hernández, President of the European Safe Logistics Association (EUMOS), as a speaker and recruit Dr. Michael Scriba, a renowned plastics recycling expert, as a moderator. Together with Ilia Bilbie from our supplier Polymateria and René Münchhausen from our partner company Climate Partner, the experts on our stage helped to inform and inspire the participants and to have lively discussions with them,” said Massimo Moroni.
René Münchhausen focused on a new level of climate protection and gave an overview of how companies can now make their investments in climate protection more transparent.
In addition to the production of plastic films, the company also carries out tests and training on load securing. The M-Forum enables stretch film users, whether they are already customers of Manupackaging or interested parties, to have their packaged goods subjected to a dynamic test on site for load safety in accordance with the EUMOS standard and to obtain reliable parameters. The focus is always on the triad between material composition, sustainability, and safety. On October 25th the digital opening is taking place broadcasting from the showroom directly to customer’s screen. Ángel Hernández will be our special guest again.