Groundbreaking Eumos standard for the ventilation of light vans
4 February 2025The European Safe Logistics Association – Eumos – has appointed Julia Botos and Vincent de Schryver as Vice-Presidents of its Management Board. Angel Hernandez keeps his seat as President of the Management Board for the rest of the term of office of the Board. The two new members were appointed by the Eumos General Assembly meeting on 11 February 2025. Julia Botos has been a long-standing Expert member of Eumos and of the association´s Advisory Board. Julia comes from the packaging development business, in particular packaging for transport use. Julia has represented Eumos in a number of German and international packaging fora. Vincent De Schryver – equally an Expert member of Eumos – complements the skillset within the Management Board coming from the transport sector and having dedicated his professional career to transport and logistics. Vincent has been instrumental in developing the Eumos examination process for cargo securing and transport packaging experts.
Eumos would like to thank Stefan Ebner and Geert Frans, outgoing members of the Management Board, for their important efforts to elevate logistics safety by their contributions. Both will remain committed members of Eumos and we count on their experience and support also going forward.
Eumos looks forward to working under the leadership of the new Management Board aiming at setting milestones to continuously improving safe logistics in Europe and beyond.