- EUMOS’s main objective is to make available know-how related to cargo transport safety, including packing, storage, loading and cargo securing. The main target group is the group of individual members. The wider target group includes all experts and trainers throughout Europe, specializing in cargo transport safety..
- EUMOS know-how includes all aspects of logistics operations including transport packaging, storage, manipulation, loading, unloading and transport by road, water, rail and air.
- EUMOS protects and supports common interests of associated experts. EUMOS cooperates with other expert organisations and other associations.
- EUMOS actively and adequately informs, at the national and international level, the public and the authorities and the legislative power, the social institutions and trade unions, and all other professional associations; in order to create a favourable reception of the results of its work;
- EUMOS organizes the establishment and usage of professional standards related to cargo transport safety in Europe.
- EUMOS helps associated experts to find support, acceptance, organisational assistance and alternative dispute settlement in the field of cargo transport safety in Europe. This includes the exchange of experience and research results between members. Professional support by Eumos members can be coordinated.
- EUMOS supports educational efforts and events. The association supports conferences on the exchange of ideas and trainings organised for members and other experts. The association shall support scientific exchange at national and international level; EUMOS organizes examinations on specific aspects of cargo transport safety in order to allow participants to prove their knowledge and competences related to these specific aspects.