8th International Eumos Conference: 24-25 October 2024 Cargo Securing & Safe Packaging, Programme and Registration

Sponsorship Packages – 8th International EUMOS Conference – Trieste, October 24-25, 2024
25 April 2024
Sponsorship Packages – 8th International EUMOS Conference – Trieste, October 24-25, 2024
25 April 2024

8th International Eumos Conference: 24-25 October 2024 Cargo Securing & Safe Packaging, Programme and Registration

Turning Cargo Science into Practice

A Step forward for Logistics Safety, Sustainability and Competitiveness!

The 8th International Eumos Conference unites Europe‘s most senior logistics safety experts for an exchange of views about how to maximise logistics safety in Europe. The logistics enclave Trieste is located in a strategic place where modern logistics platforms support the important seaport connected to a container hub. 

The Conference will be structured into 6 panels of expert presentations moderated by a senior professional closing with a discussion between the speakers and allowing for questions by the audience. The discussions will evolve around the following topics:

Panel 1: The Impact of Legislation on #Load Stability and #Cargo Securing

  • What´s the future for EU Road Worthiness?
  • How does the Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive impact Load Stability and Cargo Securing?
  • Are road accidents avoidable? Traffic participants from pedestrians to industrial vehicles on a holistic map


Panel 2: Finding the common Path for Logistics and Process Management towards Safe Transport 

  • Analysis of liabilities in the supply chain. How to streamline logistics and process management
  • The greater the automation, the greater safety! Robots & non-manned vehicles: Success stories to serve as a model
  • Logistics Safety from intelligent packaging to handling, cargo securing and transport on adequate vehicles


Panel 3: The Opportunity for Transport Insurance Companies to save Lives and protect Assets

  • Toolkit for insurers to filter poor cargo securing practices and inadequate packaging accidents
  • Challenges for a leading carrier in terms of Logistics Safety
  • Case Study: Safety experience in intermodal transport


Panel 4: Rolling out Science in Practice in a Cargo Transport Unit

  • Measurement is key to improvement. The vital importance of measuring equipment
  • Science demonstrates that good practices in Cargo Securing are based on Load Stability
  • Case Study of Best Practice: to be multiplied in the logistics industry


Panel 5: Multiplying Expert Knowledge for the Professionalisation of Cargo Handling

  • Training, training and training. Standard EUMOS 40607 – a powerful & accessible asset
  • The voice of the specialist for multiplying expertise: Training centres and driving schools
  • All-in-one App at the service of transport and logistics professionals as well as road control authorities


Panel 6: Cargo Securing, Load Stability & Enforcement in perfect Harmony

  • Evaluating the safety of your goods during transportation and warehousing
  • Industry has its contribution ready to eliminate accidents with cargo as a root cause
  • Enforcement on the road. The challenge of addressing different vehicle types, registration origins, legislations, professions & practices

We are looking forward to two valuable days for Transport Safety and Networking among Professionals sharing a Vision on Science-Based Logistics Safety! The Conference will be held in English with the possibility of following a live transcription into other languages (e.g. Italian, German, French, Spanish and some others).

Secure your seat for the 8th International Eumos Conference to take place at the Hotel NH Trieste from 24–25 October 2024 preceded by a Welcome Drink in the evening of 23 October. Register here!

All prices are exclusive of 22% Italian VAT.

Upon registration you will receive an invoice – payment finalises the registration. If you have pre-registered, your pre-registration will automatically be converted into a registration.


Address and location: Hotel NH Trieste, Corso Cavour, 7, 34132 Trieste
Parking is available offsite in the area. Please check the hotel website for the closest options: https://www.nh-hotels.com/en/hotel/nh-trieste

Looking for accomodation at the conference venue?

The Conference Hotel NH Trieste has allocated a slot of rooms for the 8th International Eumos Conference which can be booked directly by the Conference attendants for a fixed price of 145€ until 31 July 2024. Please use the following link if you wish to book a room at the Conference hotel: https://www.nh-hotels.com/en/event/eumos.

Arriving at Venice Airport and looking for a transfer possibility to Trieste?

Please inform us if you are arriving at Venice Airport and you are looking for a transfer possibility to the Hotel NH Trieste. We will put in place a paid shuttle on 23 October around 13.00h and 18.00h at a minimum occupancy of 5 people. We will adapt the time according to the arrival times sent to our attention. Please let us know about your arrival time using the comments box in the registration form or sending us an e-mail to symposium@eumos.eu. A shuttle bus back to Venice Airport will leave from the Hotel NH Trieste on 25 October at 14.30h. The price for each transfer is of 60€/person, 120€ for a return trip.

Arriving at Trieste Airport?

There are trains running regularly between Trieste Airport and Trieste Central (walking distance to hotel). You can buy the tickets in the ticketing machines at the train station: https://triesteairport.it/en/trains/.

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