1 February 2016

Eumos qualified Expert examination

On March 22nd 2016 Eumos organizes an exam to become an Eumos qualified Expert. This exam is held in Dutch and will take place in Brussels. All information about the exam can be found in the standard Eumos 40607-1: Eumos qualified expert in general cargo securing and transport packaging, minimum requirements. […]
1 February 2016

Eumos 5th conference on durable cargo transport

UPDATE: due to the recent events in Turkey, the conference is postponed to Spring 2017 and will be relocated to another location. More information coming soon.   The 2016 Eumos scientific conference on durable transport will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on November 3-4, 2016 in close cooperation with UND, […]
9 January 2017

Valletta Declaration on Improving Road Safety

The Valletta Declaration 2017 (Valletta Declaration on Road Safety) was passed by the EU Ministers of Transport in Malta. Between 2020 and 2030, the number of dead and injured road traffic casualties is intended to be halved compared to the 2016 figures. An ambitious goal for 2050 is zero fatalities […]