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21 September 2018

EUMOS committed with a Safer Logistics in Europe

President of EUMOS invited to hold a paper at Load Stability Event in Poland Moving Goods Safely, It Impacts You! – Aiming to raise awareness of the importance of load stability, the new transportation norms and legislations, and stimulate innovative collaborations, the Moving Goods Safely Seminar, organized by Dow, counts with […]
13 September 2018

Ángel David Hernández – The 101 of load stability and cargo securing

Hier finden Sie die deutsche Version dieses Artikels Introducing the company VALUEING from Spain A further contribution, this time from Spain, supplemented day two of the 5th Eumos Symposium 2017, which was held at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna. Ángel David Hernández, Cargo Securing Officer at VALUEING in […]
14 August 2018

Andreas Reiner – Cargo securing in containers

Hier finden Sie die deutsche Version dieses Artikels Introducing the company HLash from Germany Cargo securing in containers was another often-mentioned subject at the 5th International Eumos Symposium. Andreas Rainer, Managing Director of HLashGmbH in Brühl, Germany, held a presentation on this topic entitled “Cargo securing in containers – new […]

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